Buy essays on Violation of Social Norms

Folkways contain commonly accepted norms of social behavior. In contrast to laws they are not written but contain the code of behavior, ethics, dressing code which makes people normal part of social structure. Breaking folkways does not imply criminal responsibility but may result in criminal responsibility, but it may result in complications in communication and even social rejection.
Not speaking loud in public places is a folkway. It is not prohibited to shout or sing in many public places, such as transport, for example, but usually people do not do this. Singing in the city transport became the violation of the folkway. So, I decided to investigate the type of relations provoked by the violation of this folkway. When I started this experiment I myself felt worried. Folkways closely deal with social acceptance and like any normal person I was afraid of the negative reaction of the surrounding. Signing loudly in usual bus during the rush hour caused two types of reactions. One group of people noticed deviant behavior which violated folkways and this cased disturbance and worry. People tried to distance from me when I started singing. These people did not say anything, but their faces showed disturbance and dissatisfaction. They perceived me as a strange person who may be dangerous for them and they tried to find place further from me. Other group of people showed more active type of behavior. They quickly recognized that singing in the bus violated folkways and they actively expressed their dissatisfaction. These people asked me to stop singing or to leave the bus. This group of people wanted not only to distance themselves from the violator of folkways but also wanted to stop this violati 

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Works Cited
Bicchieri, Cristina. 2006. The Grammar of Society: The Nature and Dynamics of Social Norms, New York: Cambridge University Press.
Scott, John Finley, 1971, Internalization of Norms: A Sociological Theory of Moral Commitment, Englewoods Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice–Hall.

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