Custom research paper on Tesco recruitment process

Tesco website is designed for a simple application process; it has all the necessary information about company, available positions, etc.
After the application form is filled, the process of “screening” takes place. Tesco recruiting team examines CV of each candidate. Those successful applicants who passed the “screening stage” have to visit Tesco assessment centre in order to accomplish different tasks and participate in team activities or problem solving tasks. These tasks and activities are the examples of the problem situation they may have to face at their future positions.
Therefore, the assessment is absolutely necessary. The people who are approved by the internal assessment have to visit an interview in order to check if they are appropriate for the specific role.
Most organizations have an ongoing need to recruit new employees to fill job vacancies when employees leave or are promoted, to acquire new skills, and to permit organizational growth. In an era when the focus of most organizations has been on efficiently and effectively running the organization, recruiting the right person for the job is a top priority if organizations are to be successful. (Mishra, Akman 2010, p.272)
In my opinion the process of recruitment in Tesco is build correctly, according to the widely accepted rules and procedures.
“Tesco is a major international company with many job opportunities, including management, graduate, school leaver and apprentice posts. Tesco needs to have people with the right skills to support its growth and development. It has clear organizational structures, detailed job descriptions and person specifications. It provides easy ways of applying for jobs and a consistent approach to recruitment and selection.” (from
To sum up, the company takes power over the changing demand for staff.
The company uses all stages of recruitment including workforce planning, attracting the right candidates and recruiting the most appropriate for the job candidates.
As it was indicated above in conclusion, the process of recruitment in Tesco is built effectively and without any obvious mistakes. What kind of recommendation for improvements in recruitment policy could I suggest for this retailer?
I would suggest Tesco to promote more its strong sides as a great employer in more effective way. This company provides the great opportunities for any employee such as rewards & benefits, pension privileges, and also there are some advantages that are received through Privilegecard (presents 10% discount and Clubcard points on most Tesco products for the loyal staff). 

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