Custom essays on Human Resource Management: Recruitment, Selection & Onboarding

I need to draw your attention to the fact that efficient selection can actually increase productivity and help ensure that selected applicants will be likely to be successful on the job. (“The Society for Industrial-Organizational Psychology”, n.d.)
Razi (2006) indicates that the first step in the employment life cycle is the selection, hiring and on-boarding of talent.
What kinds of methods are used for candidates’ selection? The following methods could be named:
• “Minimum Qualification Screens:
• T&E Ratings
• Weighted Application Blanks
• Biographical Data
• Abilities Testing
• Cognitive Abilities Testing
• Job Knowledge Testing
• Personality and Interest Inventories
• Personality Measures
• Employment Interviews
• Assessment Centers
• Work Samples
• Mini-Training and Evaluation
• Simulations” (“The Society for Industrial-Organizational Psychology”, n.d.)
According to the recommendation of the same literary source (“The Society for Industrial-Organizational Psychology”, n.d.), I would like to design the selection process for our company.
Suggested selection procedure:
• “Step 1. Applicant submits resume and/or completes application blank in Human Resources;
• Step 2. Representatives screen application/resume for minimum qualifications;
• Step 3. Applicant is goes though the special tests;
• Step 4. Applicant is interviewed by hiring manager or supervisor of the vacant job;
• Step 5. Applicants are ranked based on results of testing and/or interviews;
• Step 6. Final selection is made by hiring manager and HR specialist” (“The Society for Industrial-Organizational Psychology”, n.d.)
Onboarding process
Onboarding is the process of new employee orientation, assimilation and integration into the company. It’s crucial for any organization’s effectiveness to ensure that new employees are welcomed and prepared for the tasks.
Of course, this period may be complex both for the company and for the employee. We need to be sure that we put all of our effort for the new employee to feel comfortable because this way we’ll make the new employee want to do great work and add great value to our company.
As the possible tools for the onboarding process we may use orientation schedules, materials, benefits forms, a welcome email and FAQ about our company available for the new person.
We need to remember that a well managed onboarding program is a critical component of the talent management strategy. Onboarding is the initial process of assimilating new-hires into an organization. In addition to equipping new-hires with the tools necessary to succeed in their new position, a successful Onboarding program provides new-hires with the resources to become fully engaged and culturally aware members of a productive workforce. (Anonymous, 2009)
Yamamura, Birk & Cossitt, 2010 emphasize that onboarding helps new employees tp become fully productive as quickly as possible. Management of first impressions is a big part of onboarding because of the major impact that it has on subsequent employment decisions and job satisfaction. (Yamamura, Birk & Cossitt, 2010)

Suggested Onboarding Program
Our company’s Onboarding Program will use a comprehensive Onboarding Portal to provide our new people with online access to company information, tax forms and policies before they start work. Of course, the length of an Onboarding Program may be different and it actually depends on the complexity of the job responsibilities. (Anonymous, 2009)
We’ll use a standard Onboarding Program of four months long for the skilled workers and engineers and one month program for unskilled workers.
Onboarding starts with the extension of an offer and ends when the new-hire is classified as a fully functioning employee. Employee retention and satisfaction are influenced before a new-hire even walks into your building; studies have shown that organizations that provide new-hires with easy access to forms and employment information prior to the first day of work benefit from enhanced employee retention, productivity, and overall satisfaction. (Anonymous, 2009)
It is often necessary for organizations to test several different approaches to Onboarding before discovering the method that best matches their company’s culture and employment objectives. There are several over-arching characteristics present in all well-managed Onboarding Programs, (Anonymous, 2009). We’re going to use them in our company:
• Focus on the experience – Onboarding is all about a positive new-hire experience
• Ongoing, clear, concise and consistent channels of communication
• New-hires are aligned to key business strategies
• Milestones are set to gauge new-hire success and time-top roductivity
• Information is presented in easily-digestible amounts
• Reinforces Employment Brand
The following information is suggested for storage in our Onboarding Portal:
• Welcome message from the top management;
• Company vision, values and mission statement;
• “Meet your colleagues” page;
• Mentorship and leadership development programs;
• Benefits enrollment, direct deposit, and tax forms;
• Candidate experience surveys;
• Organizational policies, vacation calendar, expense and travel guidelines;
• Training schedules. (Anonymous, 2009)


Anonymous (2009, June). Onboarding: A critical element in strategic talent management. (2009, June). Workforce Management, 88(7), S10. Retrieved August 19, 2011, from ABI/INFORM Global. (Document ID: 1785568191).
Flynn, G. (1994) Attracting the Right Employees – and Keeping Them. Personnel Journal. 73 (12)
Mishra, A. and Akman, I. (2010), Information Technology in Human Resource Management: An Empirical Assessment. Public Personnel Management. 39 (3).
Razi, N. (2006). Employing O.D. Strategies in the Globalization of HR. Organization Development Journal, 24(4), 62-68. Retrieved August 19, 2011, from ABI/INFORM Global database. (Document ID: 1173416701).
Sims, R. R. (2002), Organizational Success through Effective Human Resources Management. Westport, CT: Quorum Books
Wright, E & Domagalski, T. (2010, May). Common sense hiring. SuperVision, 71(5), 15-17. Retrieved August 19, 2011, from ABI/INFORM Global. (Document ID: 2018927241).
Yamamura, J., Birk, C., & Cossitt, B. (2010). Attracting and retaining talent: The importance of first impressions. The CPA Journal, 80(4), 58-60. Retrieved August 19, 2011, from ABI/INFORM Global. (Document ID: 2014009741).
The Society for Industrial-Organizational Psychology (n.d.) Selection Methods

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