Research paper on Critical Review Risk Perception

The factors influencing perception of risk and their significance in risk communication are very important for the overall assessment of existing risks and threats. In this regard, it is worth mentioning the fact that the factors, such as probabilities of the earthquake, the risk of errors in the studies concerning the probability of earthquakes, and studies dedicated to the occurrence of earthquakes in the target area are factors contributing to the risk perception. The higher is the probability and the more certain scientists are in the probability of the earthquake the higher is the risk perception in the public.

In this regard, the role of cost benefit analysis and other techniques used in assigning a monetary valuation to risk can hardly be underestimated. In fact, people can assess the risk accurately, when they understand its costs not only for the community but also for their own finance. In other words, if each individual understands that he or she will suffer financial losses from the earthquake, the individual naturally increases his or her risk perception.

In such a situation, the use of risk as a prioritisation tool for regulatory agencies becomes very important because regulatory agencies have to define accurately the risks and their priority. What is meant here is the fact that, depending on the probability of the occurrence of the earthquake, regulatory agencies should define what to do first. For instance, if the risk of the natural disaster is high, the regulatory agencies should elaborate the evacuation plan and consider possibilities for consistent reduction of casualties and destructions in the course of the disaster and aftermath.

Alternatively, if the risk of the earthquake refers to a long-run perspective, the regulatory agencies should develop a long-run plan and strategy of the disaster management. For instance, they should introduce construction standards, which take into consideration the risk of occurrence of earthquakes. As a result, new buildings constructed in the area should be more protected, if the earthquake occurs.

Thus, taking into account all above mentioned, it is important to place emphasis on the fact that the risk perception of such natural disasters as earthquakes depend on multiple factors. In this regard, the assessment of the probability of the natural disaster and the reliability of scientific studies are particularly important. On the other hand, individuals may underestimate the risk, if scientists fail to stir the public and to attract the public attention to the risk of the disaster. As a result, the mutual impact of individuals and communities on each other can affect the overall assessment of risks and the risk perception.

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