- 13/04/2013
- Posted by: essay
- Category: Free essays
Case I: Planet Apple
The following paragraphs will look at a case study involving Apple. The first objective will be to do a case analysis determining the situation and issues in the Planet Apple case study. A SWOT analysis will then be compiled in order to determine the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats presented to Apple. There will then be a discussion of possible courses of actions for Apple to pursue. Finally, the selected course(s) of action will be discussed as well as the implementation.
Case Analysis
Case analysis here
SWOT Analysis
SWOT here
Strengths Opportunities
o High tech, unique innovations
o Loyal employees, partners, and consumers
o Products consumers crave
o Able to price products where they want, not subject to market fluctuation
o Ability to demand the best from their product partners o Expand into new markets
o Allow iPhone to change carriers
o Companies are making many new Apps
Weaknesses Threats
o Limited software accessibility (that is changing)
o Stringent rules for suppliers
o Consumer perception is “expensive”
o Not allowing the iPhone to switch carriers o Stagnation, not pursuing the unique
o Fierce Competition from HTC, Samsung, and Nokia
Solution Options
Solution Options here
Selected Option and Implementation
Opportunity will be the focus of SWOT that will be evaluated in order to expand the iPhone. The iPhone is a powerful device and controls a significant percentage of the smart phone market. This is how the company can expand their current market share to gain more subscribers. A step in that direction was expanding from the exclusivity of AT&T and including Verizon Wireless as their cellular telephone provider. Another market that iPhone can enter is being a reliable phone for conducting business. Second option is the threat of competition in the market. HTC, Samsung, Windows, and Blackberry are the popular Smartphone’s that directly compete against the iPhone in both the standard and business consumer. Being aware of weaknesses is critical in understanding the market and how to improve the iPhone. The current perception of the iPhone is the expensive initial purchase price, especially when the competition is priced substantially less than the iPhone.
The business market is a specialized group that will require applications that will expedite daily operations and gain efficiency. According to the International Business Times, Android Operating System enabled phones control 48% of the business market (Phillips, 2011). This number presents an opportunity to gain ground. The first step is in place by joining forces with Verizon Wireless to gain more of the market share. The next step will be to develop applications that will enable small and large business owners the accessibility and flexibility to manage their business on the go. Though the Android and Apple operating systems share similar applications on their respectable markets, Apple focuses on lifestyle versus business oriented applications. Apple will need to market the iPhone in the business divisions of Verizon Wireless and AT&T and work hands on to train representatives from both wireless companies to provide new and exciting applications, so Verizon Wireless and AT&T representatives can efficiently pass the same enthusiasm to their business customers.
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