- 13/04/2013
- Posted by: essay
- Category: Free essays
Referencing the reading on religion by Durkheim, what was God’s opinion in 1840 on slavery in the American South? God’s opinion on slavery in the United States in 1985?
The issue of Durkheim’s views on slavery is a pretty tough one. Durkheim claims that religion has to be collective and there has to be the collective consciousness in any society. The collective consciousness is influenced by the process of social differentiation. The fewer elements of the collective consciousness are shared when society becomes socially differentiated.
While discussing the issue of slavery, I may conclude that although Durkheim was inspired by simplicity of the aboriginal societies, he would rather support the opinion that slavery in general isn’t good. The social differentiation including slavery prevents or disturbs the process of society’s integration.
What are examples of profane acts and sacred acts today? Why are they so?
There is a distinction between the sacred and the profane in accordance to Durkheim. Among the sacred acts we can name a few: Catholic Church, the Flag of the country, or some iconic figures, for instance, Mother Teresa.
As for the profane acts, these are mostly the common things and routine experiences from the everyday life. For example, it may be usual ideas, persons, practices and things.
What are examples of ‘totems’ in US society?
Durkheim has researched the totemism, the religion of the primitive societies of Australia and America.
Totem is a thing, a symbol, that important for a certain group of people. It may not be economically valuable, but it’s certainly has played a decisive role in people’s lives. The totems may be things like trees, pieces of wood, literary anything important to people, but it should have a connection with divine.
The modern totems in US society are some cultural or historical objects. For example, House of Congress or the White House may be considered as modern totems.
How is the Presidential swearing-in ceremony, which takes place in Washington DC every four years, religious, in the sense that Durkheim theorizes religious ceremony?
Durkheim indicates that religion unites society, therefore such important state event the Presidential swearing-in ceremony. This ceremony actually reminds us of the ritual behavior, which was a common thing in totemism.
Such ceremonies when the whole nation watches over their political leader are essential for connecting all the members of the society together. This wise method of religious stimulation unites nation and inspires people.
This type of event, like the Presidential swearing-in ceremony, takes the individual members of society beyond themselves.
Religion, Durkheim theorizes, is weakening. Why? What is the new religion that modern society needs to adopt?
Due to a number of reasons, Durkheim has come to the conclusion that a religion is weakening. It is caused by modernization of society, by scientific thinking. He claims that ceremonial activities will be only a small part of an individual’s lives. Therefore he forecasts that societies should constantly reaffirm their values and new ceremonial activities should appear.
Durkheim was confident that there is something eternal in religion which is destined to survive, the most essential moral ideas.
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