Term paper on Presidential Election of 1912

Presidential Election of 1912

Four familiar candidates competed for the presidency in 1912. Democrats chose Woodrow Wilson, reform governor of New Jersey ; Republicans renominated President William Howard Taft. Convinced that the Taft forces had unfairly deprived him of the party nomination, former president Theodore Roosevelt ran as the third-party Progressive (or Bull Moose) candidate, while Eugene V. Debs was the Socialist party candidate. Both Wilson with his New Freedom program and Roosevelt with his New Nationalism program claimed to be the true reformer. Taft appealed to conservatives, Debs to radicals. The Roosevelt-Taft split cost the Republicans the presidency. Though obtaining only roughly 40 percent of the popular vote, Wilson won an overwhelming electoral victory. Debs received nearly 1 million votes.

Suggestions for Term Papers

1. Compare the New Nationalism and the New Freedom.

2. Was Roosevelt unfairly deprived of his party’s nomination?

3. Why was Debs able to poll nearly 1 million votes?

4. Why was the Socialist party strong at this time?

5. What were the election’s effects on American political and economic life?

Suggested Sources : See entries 2, 3, and 4 for related items, especially for material on Roosevelt and Taft.


Burton, David H. The Learned Presidency: Theodore Roosevelt, William Howard Taft, Woodrow Wilson . Rutherford , NJ : Fairleigh Dickinson, 1988. Absorbing group portrait.

Cooper, John Milton. The Warrior and the Priest: Woodrow Wilson and Theodore Roosevelt . Cambridge , MA : Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1983. Essential for understanding the differing viewpoints of these two statesmen.

Debs, Eugene V. Gentle Rebel: Letters of Eugene V. Debs . Urbana : University of Illinois Press, 1995. Compilation of letters Debs sent to various political and societal figures; provides a comprehensive look at politics from the perspective of the leading American socialist of the time.

Roseboom, Eugene H., and Alfred E. Eckes, Jr. A History of Presidential Elections, from George Washington to Jimmy Carter . 4th ed. New York : Macmillan, 1979. Concise examination of the presidential elections, providing a quick overview.


Broderick, Francis L. Progressivism at Risk: Electing a President in 1912 . Westport , CT : Greenwood , 1989. Solid examination of the topic.

Gable, John A. The Bull Moose Years: Theodore Roosevelt and the Progressive Party . Port Washington , NY : Kennikat, 1978. Detailed exposition of Roosevelt ‘s involvement with and leadership of the Progressives.


Clements, Kendrick A. The Presidency of Woodrow Wilson . Lawrence : University of Kansas Press, 1992. Brief, useful overview of Wilson ‘s political life.

Fausold, Martin L. Gifford Pinchot, Bull Moose Progressive . (1961). Reprint. Westport , CT : Greenwood , 1973. Interesting and informative biography of the ardent conservationist-politician who supported Roosevelt in the election.

Ginger, Ray. The Bending Cross: A Biography of Eugene Victor Debs . (1949). Reprint. Kirksville , MO : Thomas Jefferson University Press, 1992. Thorough and detailed biography of Debs and his representation of the working class.

Link, Arthur, ed. The Papers of Woodrow Wilson . Princeton , NJ : Princeton University Press, 1966–1994. 69 vols. Incomparable annotated source materials for the study of Wilson ‘s private and public life. Consult for topics 12–19 as well.

———. Wilson . Princeton , NJ : Princeton University Press, 1947–1965. 5 vols. to date. Monumental biography; although most volumes are out of print, it is well worth finding. Salvatore, Nick. Eugene V. Debs: Citizen and Socialist. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1982. Pulitzer Prize–winning biography.


‘‘The President’s Collection II: TR&FDR.” The American Experience. Santa Monica, CA : PBS Home Video, 1997. 4 videocassettes. 60-minute detailed treatment of all aspects of the administrations of both presidents. The events and considerations leading to the controversies between Roosevelt and Taft are examined in reporting the election of 1912.


‘‘The Presidents—Theodore Roosevelt.” The American Experience. September 1997. http:www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/amex/presidents/nf/featured/tr/trdd.html This page from the PBS presentation focuses on the election of 1912. It has excellent links to presidential politics and days of decision among others.

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