- 01/04/2013
- Posted by: essay
- Category: Free essays
In this essay, I would like to say that I agree with Rand. According to the article by Kevin L. Rand and Stephen S. Ilardi, “Toward a Consilient Science of Psychology”, psychology has been characterized by conceptual fragmentation and slow scientific progress (Henriques, 2004; Meehl, 1978). In contrast, the natural sciences have achieved in recent decades a remarkable degree of consilience—the linking of fact, theory, and method across disciplines (and subdisciplines) and across nested levels of informational
complexity (Wilson, 1998).
It should be noted that scientific psychology – is a system of theoretical (conceptual), methodological and experimental properties of knowledge and research of psychic phenomena, the transition from an unlimited and diverse description of these phenomena to their precise definition of substantive, methodological possibilities for registration, experimental establishment of causal connections and patterns, to ensure continuity of the results.
It is essential to note that psychology – is an area of scientific knowledge, which studies the characteristics and patterns of occurrence, formation and development (change) mental processes (sensation, perception, memory, thought, imagination), mental states (tension, motivation, frustration, emotion, feelings) and mental properties (orientation, abilities, inclinations, character, temperament) rights, for example, psyche as a special form of life, as well as the psyche of animals.
Rand says that “We are optimistic about the future of psychology, one in which it emerges as a mature paradigmatic science capable of reaping the benefits of consilient linkage with the natural sciences. And, despite fears to the contrary, it will not be subsumed under biology. Nevertheless, psychology’s disciplinary boundaries will become more porous and, ultimately, more meaningless, as interdisciplinary efforts become the norm and the field becomes increasingly interwoven with related scientific domains at multiple nested levels of complexity. A heuristic roadmap to such a future is to be found in Henriques’ (2004) metatheoretical framework, one which, if it proves capable of passing the pragmatist test (i.e., delivering the goods vis-à-vis novel and generative programs of research), may play a role in bringing about a consilient science of psychology”. I can say that I agree that there is the future of psychology.
It can be said that psychology is the basic part of psychology that serves a fundamental collection and structured organization of new knowledge about the fundamentals of performance of the basic psychological processes such as perception, attention, memory, language, learning, reasoning and problem-solving. Moreover, the applied psychology seeks to solve practical problems through the implementation and transformation to different contexts of knowledge generated by basic psychology.
Psychology, to address the human individual, is a field of study intermediate between ‘organic’ and ‘social’. The biological substrate is presented as the psychic system. Gradually, and as far as understanding how the brain and mind have made progress, contributions of neurobiology have been incorporated to psychological research through neuropsychology and cognitive neuroscience, Theory of Human Sciences.
Psychology (teaching science) – is the science that studies psychic phenomena (thinking, feeling, liberty) and human behavior, an explanation which we find in these phenomena. Mental – is a philosophical category, reflecting the effects, both human and animal, even plant life. Zoo psychology explores the phenomenon of elementary mental, behavioral and cognitive processes in animals, referred to as psychological as well as to the biological sciences. When it comes to human psychology, its inherent phenomenon, remember that it is structurally and qualitatively different from their evolutionary predecessors.
Psychological knowledge has evolved since prehistoric times in the magical and mythological traditions. For the first time as a branch of scientific knowledge in psychology there is the philosophical teachings of the ancient thinkers. In the writings of European, Arab philosophers and doctors developed the following issues: the nature of perception, the structure of the psyche, nature affects, Psychosomatics, thought processes, the nature of dreams and dreams, the nature of relationships (love, friendship, ridstvo) and others. Until now, a significant impact on scientific understanding of the soul, the mental world makes the development of related sciences (medicine, education) and human practices (art, religion, governance), which, in turn, enjoy the achievements of psychology.
Mental (its nature, limits, principles of existence) is still terra incognita to scientific knowledge and space is always speculation and mystification by charlatans. Mental is also the focus of religions that claim to universality and primacy of the natural world. Mental is a unique realm in which we all live, regardless of age, sex, occupation, education – each of us is a “psychologist” at the household level.
Psychological knowledge is the basis of specific practices. Traditionally applied psychology called science-oriented application of psychological knowledge in specific areas (music, political psychology, psychology of education or work); practical psychology – is a branch of knowledge and research on the forms and methods of use of psychological knowledge experts-psychologists (consultants, trainers). Practical Psychology includes psycho-diagnostics, counseling, correction.
All in all, I can say that I agree with Rand and I believe that there are many perspectives for psychology in the future. The history of the psychology shows that there are many unknown things and there are many questions without the answers.
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