Buy term paper: Call centres based in India

b. Interviews
The study focuses on the use of qualitative methods of analysis. In this regard, the use of interview is particularly helpful. In fact, interviews involved all subjects and aimed at the revelation of the correlation between the job satisfaction and the staff turnover. The development of the correlation can be traced through the analysis of the interviews of employees, managers and trainers. The involvement of subjects holding different position in call centres based in India allows to reveal common trends and views on the problem of the correlation between the job satisfaction and the staff turnover. Interviews were conducted over phone and online through a video chat. To put it more precisely, 4 employees were interviewed over the phone, whereas 3 managers and 3 trainers were interviewed online through the video chat. In fact, the interviews conducted through the video chat has proved to be more efficient because the subjects were observed in the course of the interview and their reactions on questions posed could be tracked and noted by the interviewer. The phone did not provide the opportunity to have a visual contact with interviewed employees that naturally prevented the interviewer from the observation of interviewed and their non-verbal reactions to questions posed in the course of the interview remained unseen. Nevertheless, all interviews were conducted live and the interviewer could obtain detailed information on the correlation between the job satisfaction and the staff turnover. The major advantage of interviews compared to other methods of research is the possibility to precise responses of the interviewed persons and to get their personal opinion on the subject of the research asking for details and arguments to prove the position of interviewed people. In such a way, using interviews contributes to the detailed research of the studied problem and helps to obtain the personal opinion and arguments of interviewed people to back up their opinion with facts from their work or other evidence. In such a way, the interviewer used the individual approach to each interviewed person using one and the same framework for interviews conducted with all subjects involved in the study. buy term paper
The use of interviews contributes to the adequate qualitative assessment of the findings of the study because interviews open larger opportunities for obtaining extensive responses from the subjects of the research. At the same time, interviews can open new prospects of the research and suggest new directions for further researches because subjects can raise issues, which remained unnoticed by the research until the interviews.
Interviews contained twelve questions, which focused on the revelation of subjects’ background, their job satisfaction and attitude to work in call centres based in India and human resource management in call centres based in India:
Q1. What is your experience of working in your call centre?
Q2. How would you characterize relationships between employees?
Q3. What factors influence your mood and performance in your workplace?
Q4. Do you think your workplace needs any improvements?
Q5. What factors prevent you from your best performance?
Q6. Do you believe you can perform better in your workplace?
Q7. Are you satisfied with your salary?
Q8. Do you believe you match your workplace?
Q9. Do you count for a long-lasting career in your call centre?
Q10. Does your call centre conducts socially responsible policies?
Q11. Why would you change the job?
Q12. What are main reasons for firing employees in your call centre?
Basically, the aforementioned questions help to reveal key issues that provoke job dissatisfaction and influence job satisfaction of employees. In addition, the questions reveal the possible correlation between employees’ job satisfaction and the staff turnover in call centres based in India.
Furthermore, interviews were conducted over the phone and online. In fact, both phone and online interviews have proved to be quite successful, although live interviews could be more effective because they would make the interviewer and interviewees closer and establish better interpersonal contact. The latter could contribute to more extensive and sincere responses of the interviewees.
c. Questionnaires
In addition to interviews, the study involved the use questionnaire. The questionnaires are another method of the qualitative analysis which help to reveal the essence of the correlation between the job satisfaction and the staff turnover. At the same time, unlike interviews, questionnaires contribute to the provision of respondents with the possibility of choosing the most appropriate answer. In such a way, the researcher can use responses to the questionnaires to obtain detailed and accurate information and process it properly because the risk of subjectivity in case of questionnaires is lower compared to interviews. In fact, in the course of interviews each respondent could present his or her personal vision, ideas, and thoughts on the problem discussed in interviews, namely the correlation between the job satisfaction and the staff turnover. In case of questionnaires, all respondents had to answer a set of questions and they had options to answer. In such a way, the researcher collected the information and compared the results of questionnaires and responses of all subjects. The diversity responses to the questionnaires was lower compared to interviews because the researcher directed the subjects offering them options to choose to answer the questions.
The questionnaires were conducted online using social networking websites, including facebook, twitter, and orkut. The latter is a social networking website, which is very popular in India and many people use it, whereas this website has proved to be particularly popular among professionals working in call centres based in India. The use of orkut helped to reach the target subject group easy because professionals working in call centres based in India prefer using this website. Nevertheless, other social networking websites, including facebook and twitter also proved to be quite helpful in conducting questionnaires in terms of the current study.
The use of Internet proved to be very helpful, especially in regard to conducting questionnaires, because online questionnaires allowed to collect the information and process it using PC. All responses were obtained fast and the researcher obtained the responses immediately to process them and to obtain the results of the study. In this regard, the use of online questionnaires was more convenient than interviews conducted over the phone. Nevertheless, both methods proved to be reliable and effective to collect and process information related to the researched problem of the correlation between the job satisfaction and the staff turnover.
Questionnaires were developed specifically for employees and for managers and trainers. Questionnaires for employees contained the following questions:
For employees:
Q1. How long have you been working in your call centre
a. Less than a year
b. 1-3 years
c. Over 3 years
Q2. Your relationships with your colleagues and managers are:
a. Good
b. Bad
c. Neutral
Q3. Is your salary:
a. Higher than average salary in India
b. Average
c. Lower than average salary in India
Q4. Are you content with your job:
a. Yes
b. No
c. Yes but need some improvements/changes
Q5.Do you need substantial improvements in your workplace environment:
a. Yes
b. No
Q6. Does your company conduct socially responsible policies:
a. My call centre has a good compensation plan
b. My call centre has a good compensation and retirement plan
c. My call centre has a good compensation and retirement plan and covers my health insurance

d. My call centre has a good compensation and retirement plan and covers my health insurance and my family’s health insurance

e. My call centre fails to conduct socially responsible policies
Q7. Do you get enough training:
a. Yes
b. No
Q8. How long have you being trained in your call centre:
a. About a week
b. About a month
c. About half a year
Q9. Can you get promotion in your call centre:
a. Yes
b. No
c. Hardly
Q10. Would you change the job if you are not content with your job:
a. Yes
b. No
Basically, these questions focus on the revelation of the job satisfaction, the background of employees, relationships within the organization, and organizational culture in call centres based in India. In such a way, employees could reveal the correlation between their job satisfaction and intention to quite the job in call centres.
As for the questionnaire for managers and trainers, it was as follows:
Q1. How long have you been working in your call centre:
a. Less than a year
b. 1-3 years
c. More than 3 years
Q2. Do you consider your performance:
a. Good
b. Bad
c. Mediocre
Q3. Do you consider your organisation’s performance is:
a. Good
b. Poor
c. Average compared to other companies in the industry
Q4. How would you characterize your relationships with employees:
a. Good
b. Bad
c. Neutral
Q5. How would you characterize your relationships with your colleagues:
a. Good
b. Bad
c. Neutral
Q6. Dou your believe your employees are satisfied with their job:
a. Yes
b. No
Q7. Are you satisfied with your job:
a. Yes
b. No
Q8. Would you quit your job if you are not satisfied with it:
a. Yes
b. No
Q9. What is your personnel turnover:
a. Less than 5% per year
b. 5-10% per year
c. Over 10% per year
Q10. Do you consider the poor job satisfaction is the reason for firing of an employee:
a. Yes
b. No
In actuality, these questions aim at the revelation of the impact of job satisfaction on the performance of employees and the decision and policies conducted by managers and call centres, which may lead or may not to the staff turnover. In addition, the questionnaire helped to reveal the existence of possible problems and basic trends in the organizational structure and culture of call centres based in India. The use of questionnaires helped to make important findings and to reveal the existence of possible problems in the marketing performance of call centres based in India associated with poor human resource management and job satisfaction. At the same time, the questionnaires helped to reveal the extent to which the problem of staff turnover persists in call centre industry of India.

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