- 13/04/2013
- Posted by: essay
- Category: Free essays
a. Author’s Last Name Initials Huddle, D.L.
b. Title of Article: Dirty Work: Are Immigrants Only Taking Jobs that the Native Underclass Does Not Want?
c. Publication Year: 1993
d. Name of Journal/Volume Number, Page Numbers: Population and Environment, Vol. 14, No. 6, pp. 515-538.
e. Notes
1. What is the main point of this article? The main point of the article is to research the situation in the labor market of the US. The researcher attempts to explore the situation in the labor market in the low and semi-qualified jobs.
2. What is the research question? The author raises the question why American workers are unwilling to perform “dirty work”. Instead, immigrants are doing the “dirty work”.
3. Describe the methodology used (sample size, sample selection, length of study, data collection methods, etc ). The researcher focused on the study of American and immigrant workers, comparing their performance and employment. The author used statistical analysis and conducted the large scale study of the labor market.
4. Describe the findings. At the same time, the author argues that a considerable part of immigrants doing “dirty job” are illegal immigrants and he considers prospects of the elimination of illegal immigration. The author arrives to the conclusion that the end of the illegal immigration may raise the problem of the unwillingness of Americans to do the job immigrants do.
5. What, if anything, is notable about this article? Is it a study that keeps being cited? What are the strengths and weaknesses of the article? What are the strengths and weaknesses of the methods used? Is it using more quantitative or qualitative data? How closely to my research topic does this article relate?
The author uses quantitative data mainly and the study is still relevant because the unemployment rate in the US keeps growing that makes immigration policy crucial because they can either increase the unemployment rate or help Americans to find employment in low- or semi-qualified jobs.
a. Authors’ Last Names Initials Lee, Y.-T., Ottati, V. and I. Hussain.
b. Title of Article: Attitudes toward “Illegal” Immigration into the United States
c. Publication Year: 2001
d. Name of Journal/Volume Number, Page Numbers: Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Studies, Vol. 23, No. 4, p. 430-443.
e. Notes:
1. What is the main point of this article? The main point of the article is the introduction of restrictive measures to stop illegal immigration. The author stresses that the anti-immigration law was implemented under the impact of ethnicity-related prejudices and biases.
2. What is the research question? The research question focuses on the finding reasons and causes of the anti-immigration legislation, namely the Proposition 187.
3. Describe the methodology used (sample size, sample selection, length of study, data collection methods, etc ). The researchers involve immigrants as well as the local population to find out reasons for the introduction of legislative changes, namely Proposition 187.
4. Describe the findings. The researchers focus on the study of the existing legislation concerning immigration, including Proposition 187, being introduced in California. The study conducted by the researchers focus on the development of effective legislation concerning immigration. The authors explore the impact of Proposition 187 on immigration policies and their main point is to reveal reasons and causes of the impact of the proposition on the socioeconomic development as well as the authors attempt to understand reasons why the proposition has been introduced. In the course of their study, the researchers arrived to the conclusion that the major reasons for anti-immigration legislation are ethnicity-related biases and stereotypes. In such a way, Proposition 187 is grounded not on objective reasons but is highly motivated by biases and prejudices dominating among legislation and the society.
5. What, if anything, is notable about this article? Is it a study that keeps being cited? What are the strengths and weaknesses of the article? What are the strengths and weaknesses of the methods used? Is it using more quantitative or qualitative data? How closely to my research topic does this article relate? The research is still relevant because Proposition 187 has raised heat debate in the US society. The qualitative analysis conducted by the author reveals the fact that such initiatives are biased. Therefore, the further study is needed to elaborate effective and bias-free immigration legislation.
a. Authors’ Last Names Initials Esses, M.V., Dovidio, J.F., Jackson, L.M. and T.L. Armostrong
b. Title of Article: The Immigration Dilemma: The Role of Perceived Group Competition, Ethnic Prejudice, and National Identity.
c. Publication Year: 2001
d. Name of Journal/Volume Number, Page Numbers: Journal of Social Issues, Vol. 57, No. 3, pp. 389-412.
e. Notes:
1. What is the main point of this article? The main point of the study is to reveal the essence of immigrant policies, which are grounded on ethnic prejudice and inability of minorities to find their identity.
2. What is the research question? The research question is whether the ethnic prejudice affect immigration policies.
3. Describe the methodology used (sample size, sample selection, length of study, data collection methods, etc ). The study involved both immigrants and native-born Americans belonging to different social classes and ethnicity.
4. Describe the findings. The findings of the study reveal the fact that the immigration legislation is grounded on ethnic prejudices, whereas immigrants suffer from the lack of national identity. Hence, immigration policies are unjust.
5. What, if anything, is notable about this article? Is it a study that keeps being cited? What are the strengths and weaknesses of the article? What are the strengths and weaknesses of the methods used? Is it using more quantitative or qualitative data? How closely to my research topic does this article relate? The article is very important in terms of understanding immigrations policies in the US and their origins. The influence of stereotypes on immigration policies is very important but further studies are needed to find out ways to make immigration policies bias-free.
3. Basically, the three articles refer to the problem of immigration and immigration legislation. The first article focus on the labor market, whereas the second and the third focus on ethnic-related biases as the basis for immigration policies in the US.
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