Fire setting behavior of juveniles can be explained by means of different theoretical approaches. These explanations can help to detect the major risk factors connected with the juvenile’s desire to light fires. There is a link between social circumstances and some individual characteristics of the arsonists. The following theoretical approaches are used in the process of fire investigation:

• Interaction theories which include dynamic behavior theory and functional analysis theory;

• social and environmental theories which include social learning theory, rational choice theory and others;

• time-stable individual differences approach which includes psychodynamic explanation of deliberate arsonists’ behavior, serious psychiatric disorders, different neurophysiological disorders. (Cornish & Clarke, 1986, p.45)

The above mentioned theoretical approaches have been studied for a long time and today, they are successfully used by criminologists during the fire investigation process.

For example, time-stable individual differences approach can explain what individual characteristics of the juvenile arsonists can influence the deliberate fire setting. According to the statistical data, most of the juvenile arsonists have different psychiatric disorders such as the symptoms of schizophrenia, alcoholism, personality disorders.(Siegel, 2010, p.302)

The researchers report that about 50% of all the arsonists have a diagnosis of personality disorder. About 25% of juvenile arsonists suffer from antisocial personality disorder which also can lead to fire setting. About 65% of arsonists have aggressive behavior and self-conduct disorders. About 80% of the juvenile offenders have a history of alcohol abuse. The above mentioned data proves that almost all the arsonists have some mental health problems which should be controlled by special agencies in order to prevent arsons in the cities of the United States. (Cornish & Clarke, 1986, p.149)

Dr. David Kolko is a person who studies the major health problems of juvenile arsonists. He hospitalized several arsonists and examined them at the Medical Center of the University of Pittsburgh. He argues that these children have some mental health problem. They are more aggressive and less socially skilled. They have learning disabilities. One of the arsonists, a boy of 15 years old had fetal alcohol syndrome. The other boy had a serious head injury what could be the cause of his change of behavior. (Schwartzman et al., 1997, p.9)


In the United States, there are a great deal of different treatment programs which help the juvenile arsonists to cope with their problems. Special attention is paid to youth aggression and violence which became the major reason of many arsons. These treatment programs take into consideration family environment, individual characteristics, some important facts about the arson committed by the offender, his fire history which includes the number of cases and the consequences, arson’s reaction to the fire, his sense of accountability and other different factors.

In most cases, the juvenile arsonists are confined to the special hospital, or residential treatment center, or security facility. (Schwartzman et al., 1997, p.19)

Foster care as a method of treatment juvenile arsonists

Foster care helps young people who have some problems with health which lead to fire setting. It is one of the best ways of treatment and it is less expensive than treatment in the hospital or medical center. Foster parents are trained to work with such children. It is known that intensive foster care programs have already been implemented in New York and Oregon. Special foster homes are offered to the juvenile arsonists of different age. Special attention is paid to the fire safety practices. The children who are placed in these foster homes to pass special treatment programs are involved in a great deal of different activities which have the major goal – to prevent arsons in the future. They include exit drills, safe fire use and others. Of course, the instructors’ precautionary measures include the following ones: smoke-detectors in the rooms of children, constant searches of the children belongings. It helps them to be aware that there are no any ignition materials. The instructors are trained to work with difficult children. They have good communication skills, problem-solving skills, special behavior management, appropriate fire safety education and supervision. The foster children can get support and counseling of social services. The parents of these children are also included in the treatment program. (Schwartzman et al., 2007, p.21)

Residential treatment programs for prevention arsons

The other type of treatment program is successfully used in many special treatment centers which can be found in all the states of the country. For example, the Hillside Children’s Center which is located in Rochester, New York is considered to be one of the best residential treatment centers which provides services to juveniles with arson history. Up to date training programs are very effective and guarantee positive results. Today, the Center provides an emergency bed for juvenile arsonists who need placement and are sent by the Fire Department of Rochester and the Fire Bureau of the Monroe County.(Schwartzman at al., 1997, p.23)

Such medical centers provide the juvenile arsonists with special education programs which explain them the use of fire with this or that purpose. It is necessary to add that the instructors also pay special attention on the motives of their children to start a fire. Children learn all the necessary information concerning the nature of fire, its main characteristics including its spreading, destructiveness and so on. They discuss different fire safe equipment, escape plans for different buildings. Such arson intervention programs are very effective. (Schwartzman, 1997, p.24)

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