Custom essays on In sociology, why do we think of the work of Karl Marx as “conflict theory”?

To start with, it should be noted that Karl Marx formulated a different view on the issue. He suggested that social behavior can be explained best as a process of conflict. Marx focused on the struggle of different classes in society.
Karl Marx was the author of the systematic descriptions of processes of struggle and conflict in society, explored the patterns of conflict in society and highlighted the positive functions of conflict than the conflict laid the foundations of functionalism, as stated in Radical (Marxist) Conflict Theory.
According to Carl Marx, conflict theory in Sociology, “Conflict theory is a notion deeply rooted in the concepts of class struggle, economic slavery and repression, and the power relationships between those who own the means of production in a capitalist society (the bourgeoisie and to a lesser extent, the petty bourgeoisie) and those who are simply tools to be used in the production of greater capital (the proletariat – or workers)”.
A fundamental concept for the sociology of conflict is older than the establishment of sociology and was written by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels: the class struggle. For them, after the end of primitive communism, class struggle between the ruling class and dominated the historical moving force any social formation. As its central cause is the possession of or exclusion from ownership of means of production (capital) is considered and the resulting contrast (antagonism) between the property less and the propertied class. In the 19th Century he saw exploitation and domination of the bourgeoisie (the capitalist class) wage earners as the main battle front, for example, the conflict of interest between capital and wage labor, as described in Conflict theories.
Conflict theorists in the Marxian tradition put the emphasis on the social inequality in the dimensions of social status, possessions and power (such as Reinhard Bendix and Seymour Martin Lipset and Gerhard Lenski). Key theses of Marx’s theory of social conflict are:
1. More unevenly distributed in the scarce resources of deeper conflict of interests between social groups of the system.
2. The more deeply subordinated groups is beginning to realize its interests, the more likely is that they will question the legality and fairness of the current shape of the distribution of scarce resources.
3. The more subordinate group is aware of interests, the more they questioned the legality of the allocation of resources, it is more likely they will enter into open conflict with the dominant groups of the system.
4. The stronger polarization of the dominant and subordinate is, the more violent will be conflict.
5. The more violent conflict is, the more structural changes and redistribution of scarce resources are.
These key messages in Marx’s interpretation of Turner explain the causes and factors of conflict and impact on characteristics of the conflict. According to Karl Marx, conflict theory in Sociology, “Marx developed a theory of social conflict society”. Although, the thesis set out to apply the theory of conflict of social groups a lower level – are the organization of labor groups. It was named so according to the provisions of the conflict – the inevitable and common property of the organization. It should be noted that the cause of organizational conflict is the lack of resources and in particular the authorities as well as unequal and unfair distribution of resources, as described in Marx and class conflict.

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