Custom research paper on Psychology

How would you classify the micro and macro sociological perspectives in accordance with the functionalist and conflict perspectives of Weber verses Marx and which theory do you see in today’s society.
Basically, the micro and macro sociological perspectives vary consistent. At the same time, views of sociologists, such as Weber and Marx also varied consistently on the micro and macro sociological perspectives. Weber was apparently inclined to the micro sociological perspective because he stood on the ground that social actions should be studied through resolutely subjective means and that every social action could be individual and subjectively interpreted. In fact, the functioning of the society and its institutions was, according to Weber, crucial for the maintenance of stability in the society.
In stark contrast, Marx viewed sociology and the development of the society from the macro sociological perspective. He viewed the development of the society as a conflict between antagonistic classes. He viewed the development of the society in a historical context as the permanent progress that was accompanied by the change of the mode of productions. At the same time, Marx developed the conflict perspective instead of Weber’s functionalist one.

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To put it more precisely, Marx argued that the society is in a state of the permanent struggle between classes, the ruling class and the subordinated class or classes. Through this antagonistic struggle the progress of the society occurs. In such a way, Marx stressed that the progress is impossible without consistent changes at the macro level of the social development, i.e. until the mode of production changes there will be no consistent changes in the political life and economic development, for instance, slavery had its own political and economic relation, but it is only after the refusal from slavery and use of peasantry, the feudalism could be possible.


Myers, D.G. (2008). Exploring Psychology. New York: Random House.

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