Custom term paper on Post-Modernism and the Twenty-First Century

Post-modernism proves in a philosophy and in a science. It leans against the positions of pluralism in philosophy. The postmodernism criticizes a science for absolutization of rational methods and the intuition of imagination underestimation. The tendency to balance a science with religion and art is observed. Many essential lines of postmodernist culture are presented in postmodernism art.
It is possible to allocate two basic tendencies in this art. The first is a compromise with amass art, the opposition to a modernism and avant-guard
The eclecticism cult, mixture of all forms, styles, manners with receptions of a collage, citing, and repetition is proclaimed. Post-modernism is often combined with kitsch. As a rule, products of postmodernist art have a beautiful appearance. They are pleasant for sight and hearing.
The second tendency of postmodernist art is connected with aspiration to overcome modernism and avant-guard by means of irony, a parody and grotesque. Under each image other image “text” is enclosed. Citing, collages, loans are used widely here. The harmony Aesthetics is replaced by a shock aesthetics.
The culture analysis matters, beyond purely theoretical researches. A culture problem is a real practical problem which rises sharply before a world civilization. The cultural nihilism, neglect to a cultural heritage of the past or to innovation in the culture, insufficient attention of a society and the state to creation of conditions for expansion of intercultural contacts. Everything can be reflected negatively to the mankind. custom term paper
Theoretical sociology was occupied with a question that represents a modern society “Is it a stage in development of the general of “the modernist style project” or leaves for its frameworks?” For sociology which personifies “the child of a modernist style” from the point of view of the genesis, and in the mettheoretical relation. It is a question about its adequacy and validity.
The western sociologists have put forward theories specially created alternatively to post-modernism which describes a modern epoch as a stage in which all qualities of a modernist style find the full embodiment and all tendencies have the maximum development. The sociologists speak about incompleteness of the modernist project, its potential not settled for our time.
They underline that the mankind should keep for the values of the democratic device developed by a modernism and human rights not to appear the buried destructive phenomena. A new public condition was named as a “modernist style”. There is an epoch of an universalisation and a modernist. Postmodern does not overcome, it continues a modernist style.
The modernist style discourse has absolutely other maintenance, than it had before creation of the postmodernist theory.
First of all, representation is reconsidered that the modernist style is an ideal to which the history directs and to which followed result all mankind. Even more often the modernist style is perceived that it is necessary to surpass for the sake of the future if we wish it to have.
Post-modernism is the self-diagnosis modern and caution to other world, a recognition of existence of limits of a modernist style for which it is not necessary to leave.
Modernism does not look like definite and “absolute” true in comparison with which all other types of outlooks inevitably get to the category of the “prejudices” which are subject to the prompt eradication.
The most important thing that expresses post-modernism is the general mood bearing on the press of disappointment in ideals and values of the Renaissance and Education. These ideals do not inspire the world any more!
The main problem consists of, whether post-modern and post-modernism as its cultural expression by a really new social and cultural forms or they represent only certain transitive phenomena, and real “a society after a modernist style” and its attitude is still ahead and their lines while are difficultly audible.
In the field of the fine arts post-modernism is the conditional term which units a number of the phenomena of an art life in the Western Europe. Since, this concept reflects the process of the art’s development, it cannot be considered to be the settled term.
This concept has internally contradictions. It includes tendencies of the further development of modernism on the one hand, and it includes the phenomena which is critical in relation to modernism on the other hand.
Post-modernism is the term designating structurally similar phenomena in a world public life and culture. It is used both for the characteristic of neoclassical type of philosophising, and for a complex of styles in art.
The concept “post-modern” is in close to the concept “democracy”. The society democratisation is its post modernization: uniform style of culture collapses. There is a cultural pluralism, processes of averaging of people and a mass culture eminence accrue, possibility of occurrence of geniuses and the heroes towering over crowd decreases. The post-modern perceives these results of democratisation as norm and invents intellectual and art means of their image.

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